Saturday 5 October 2013

Factorial of love - I

Read Anita Moorjani's wonderful words, words are manufactured something to express knowledge, knowledge is manufactured something to express the learning of our brain through five senses. But beyond that there is only love, no logic, no time, no dimensional measurement, no judgement, only love, unconditional, unending eternal love!!

Wonderful!! Excellent!!

Here are few wonderful lines from her,

"Nothing is real but every single probability exists"

"The external world is only a reflection of my internal world"

"We can't give what we do not have, we love our self, we will feel loved and provide more love"

"Thoughts are only projection of what I believe and this world is a projection of my thoughts"

"Everyone is a part of the Ananta Shakti, Everyone is special, love yourself!!"

"I am connected to everything, I am everything and everything is me"

and the most wonderful, i.e in our worldly senses, a thing appears most only with brain which is having a judgmental capability; this is beyond that.

" I don't need people to behave in a certain way for me to love themselves"

Thank you!!